The Greater Atlantic City Chamber wishes to address the recent letter sent by several New Jersey Assembly members to Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette regarding the proposed NJ PACT (Protecting Against Climate Threats) regulations.

Our Chamber shares the deep concerns expressed by these shore town representatives about the potential economic impact of these well-intentioned but potentially harmful rules. While we support environmental protection efforts, we must ensure that such initiatives do not come at the cost of our local economies and communities.

The legislators rightfully point out several issues that could significantly affect our region:

  1. Increased costs for development and construction projects
  2. Potential delays in community improvements
  3. Exacerbation of New Jersey’s affordability crisis
  4. Negative impacts on shore town economies and tax bases

These concerns align closely with the feedback we’ve received from our member businesses and local residents. The proposed regulations, while aiming to address climate change, may inadvertently discourage investment, raise living costs, and push both residents and tourists to seek more affordable alternatives elsewhere.

We urge the Department of Environmental Protection to heed the lawmakers’ call for collaboration with all stakeholders, including local businesses and residents, before finalizing these regulations. It’s crucial that we find a balance between environmental protection and economic vitality.

The Greater Atlantic City Chamber stands ready to engage in constructive dialogue to ensure that any new regulations protect both our environment and our thriving shore communities.