Jan 30, 2013 | Chamber Events, Chamber News, Do Local, Past Events
We give many thanks to our guest speaker, Dennis Levinson, and Girasole (Atlantic City) for an enjoyable luncheon this afternoon. Thanks to all those who attended as well. View more event photos on...Jan 23, 2013 | Chamber Events, Chamber News, Do Local, Past Events
The Chamber celebrated the New Year on January 23 at American Cut inside Revel. This modern American steakhouse is where Iron Chef Marc Forgione and his team put a delicious spin on traditional favorites.Dec 13, 2012 | Chamber Events, Past Events
Fun was had by all at this year’s Toy Drive and Holiday Mixer. Thanks to all who came out to show their support and thanks to ACWeekly.com for these great photos. SimpleViewer requires Macromedia Flash. Get Macromedia Flash. If you have Flash installed, click to...Nov 27, 2012 | Business News, Past Events
The Greater Atlantic City Chamber’s Annual Membership Meeting was held at the Stockton Seaview Hotel and Golf Club in Galloway on Wednesday, December 5, 2012. The event started with a casino leadership panel (pictured above) presented by TD Bank. The panelists...