Oct 7, 2015 | Advocacy, Business News, Chamber News, Do Business
The Chamber Business Advocacy Committee, along with the NJ Business and Industry Association co-hosted Senator Jim Whelan (D2). Senator Whelan provided comments on the recently released Atlantic County Economic Development Study and fielded questions from attendees on...Sep 18, 2015 | Advocacy, Business News, Chamber Events, Chamber News, Community News, Do Business, Past Events
Business executives from across New Jersey came together for a first-of-its-kind summit at the Borgata Hotel in Atlantic City on September 17 and 18. The goal of the Summit was to examine key issues that New Jersey leaders need to address in order to increase the...Sep 15, 2015 | Chamber Events, Chamber News, Do Business, Do Local, Past Events
Members and soon-to-be members enjoyed a relaxing day at Bungalow Beach on Tuesday. Thanks to everyone who came out to network and to our hosts at Bungalow. VIEW PHOTOS ON FACEBOOKSep 1, 2015 | Chamber Events, Chamber News, Community News, Do Business, Do Local, Past Events
Greater Atlantic City Chamber sponsors hosted 52 Miss America hopefuls at this year’s Summer Clambake. Brighton Park in Atlantic City was lit up with the sparkle of festoon lights and pageant tiaras as the ladies were escorted to their tables by uniformed...Aug 11, 2015 | Chamber Events, Chamber News, Do Business, Do Local, Past Events
Thanks to everyone who came “Over The Bridge” to The Cove in Brigantine yesterday to network with local business professionals and Chamber members. Our hosts at The Cove did a great job with the food and service. VIEW PHOTOS ON...Jul 14, 2015 | Chamber Events, Chamber News, Do Business, Do Local, Past Events
Over 200 local professionals attended the networking mixer at Bo’s, one of the new T-Street venues at The Playground. Thanks to the team at The Playground for welcoming the Chamber and to Center City Photo for the fun photo booth experience! VIEW PHOTOS ON...