The Greater Atlantic City Chamber encouraged Atlantic County residents to support the fourth annual Small Business Saturday, which took place on Saturday, November 30th. Small Business Saturday is a national movement to drive shoppers to local merchants across the United States. It is intended to support the local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods around the country.
“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and the glue that holds communities together,” said Joseph Kelly, President of the Greater Atlantic City Chamber. “By spreading the word about Small Business Saturday, we can help raise awareness about the vital role small businesses play in our region. Small Business Saturday also ties in with the Chamber’s “Do Local” purchasing message.
“We’ve all heard about Black Friday and Cyber Monday,” added Kelly. “This year, if you have the opportunity to shop on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, make it a point to visit local small businesses. It really can make a meaningful difference for neighboring merchants trying to succeed. And when they succeed, we all benefit.”
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